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TAME THE MONKEY - Minds Came be tamed

The life you lead conceals the light you are.
Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, Book Four, Canto Three


24th April 1956 is when The Mother declared, “The manifestation of the Supramental upon earth is no more a promise, but a living fact, a reality.” Supramental is defined by Sri Aurobindo as Truth-Consciousness, the highest plane of consciousness above and beyond the mind.

 And as for how will this manifestation be felt by us humans, She states,” One may be deeply disgusted with what exists and wish ardently to come out of all this and attain something else; one may- and this is more positive way- one may feel within oneself the touch, the approach of something positively beautiful and true, and willingly drop all the rest so that nothing may burden the journey to this new beauty and truth.”

December 2009 and one wonders what path one is taking, or has one even taken few steps on the path. Looking around there seems certainly a beginning, individuals showing courage to connect with the new truth or coming out of what seems disgusting. Today I want to share some thoughts on the above. Last one year of my silence was only a withdrawal in finding ways how to connect with truth and more people who are on this path. My interactions with students while I teach or participants while facilitating workshops have revolved round the same manifestations. And then I see the movie ‘Paa’.

It’s not just a father-son story as the promos of the movies claim. It is such deeper story of an individual’s life journey from fear to joy, from following life purpose and rediscovering self, of navigating around systems that are corrupt and eroded without getting corrupted and most important, realizing one’s mistake and having the courage to take responsibility. To me this film depicts authentic leadership.

I will not elaborate more as I want everyone to see this movie and celebrate the evolution of becoming a better human. The theme is also about love for power (though for different, noble reasons) and power of love. It also about how more evolved Gen next is and how we adults have to let go of our own outdated beliefs to re learn. This film, to me depicts The Mother’s second path to approach something positively beautiful.

As 2009 in the time frame comes closer to its end, many of us will get into the rituals of review and forward planning. To share my review, last one year has been one of great revelations- of my strengths and limitations, roller coaster ride of emotional trauma as family dramas unfold to wear off the mask of pretense, losing of loved ones to other dimensions of life and rebirthing to bring life back to my life. Attending ISHA Inner Engineering workshop at Coimbatore has made me dance all through last 3 months and am going there for more today and in January. As I recommend film Paa, Sadhguru’s retreat programs and Consecration of Linga Bhairavi in January end are a must for everyone to manifest the Supramental in our life and be co creators of the new reality. As we wait for 2010 to dawn, I invite you to experience Isha Yoga, as Sadhguru says, “Giving birth to that which is far bigger than yourself is a tremendously beautiful experience.”

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