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TAME THE MONKEY - Minds Came be tamed


March has been silenced by my journeys again- outer ones to different cities for assignments and inner ones to reflect and re-spect. It’s been quite an experience. Am writing this on a warm morning, Sun filling up my tiny little room with its gold and heat both. There are Coconut and banana trees, mango and jackfruit trees. Mostly serene, the air is filled with coconut oil smell when women are cooking. This part of Southern India, if experienced as tourist is extremely deceptive as I’m sure any part of the world, as the true nature of a place opens its heart only when we live there little longer and that too with the natives. Southern India is where Mother Earth enjoys Her glory, in Nature and society too where everyday living is rooted in Nature. Also another aspect depicts this, women have retained more of their feminine energy in true power in family orientations as compared to the Northern regions.   

The strong aroma of massage oils and hot tingling of warm medicinal packets are creating new experience of my own body. Examining my spinal cord, the lady who massages, nodded with displeasure, raising an alarm in my head. ‘What’s wrong?’ question was answered by a gesture that meant- my spine is not as straight as it should be. Wrong posture while working, emotional traumas of corporate survival and emotional baggage that is not unloaded at right time lines; they all have taken their toll.

Is there an attitude correction that needs to accompany my bodywork? I ask myself in the quest of re-spect. Before penning this, I revisit my last April communication and a lo, here comes the answer. Leadership in today’s environment must move from the traditional “warrior model” of intimidating, administering and maintaining; says Margot Cairnes in “Approaching the Corporate Heart”. There is so much of mental violence around, leadership is still seen as use of power and authority to intimidate, that one experiences energy drain. Lot of energy gets invested either in attacking or defending. The warfare literature still dominates our management thinking- to strategize, conquer and defeat. We talk win-win, and live win-lose. We talk collaboration and create competition. When one has survived such battlefields, is there any wonder that healing is required? Coping strategies in this warfare environment cannot be attack or defense; they need to come from the depth of integration and balance of the feminine energy. 

As I reconnect with Mother Earth in healing therapy, not just blockages in the body melt away, the mind also releases toxins held for long. Earlier, I would have pro-jected mental violence as malady of others. Today I accept it as second hand script that we need to re-spect and rewrite. Illnesses or well-being retreats can be the best place to achieve this. Your role in this world and purpose in this life become clearer as you stay awake under star lit sky and enjoy the solitude.
In a private conversation with Margaret Ostrowski-Sachs concerning Aion, published in Conversations with C.G.Jung, Jung told her: "Before my illness I had often asked myself if I were permitted to publish or even speak of my secret knowledge. During my illness I received confirmation and I now knew that everything had meaning and that everything was perfect." 

May all of us enjoy such awakening where we realize, ‘everything has meaning and that everything is perfect.’

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