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TAME THE MONKEY - Minds Came be tamed

Dear All,

Last month I was invited to present a paper and chair session at National Conference on Women in Management and Development. One usually gets to hear a lot about the glass ceiling and other related issues at such conferences. It is a reality confirmed by logistics, so one can’t deny it. "Women represent more than 40 per cent of the world "s labor force. Yet their share of management positions remains unacceptably low, with just a tiny proportion succeeding in breaking through the glass ceiling to obtain top jobs." says ILO labor expert and report author Linda Wirth.

However, I want to share a different perspective- futuristic and of immense hope. This millennium as we all know is beginning of Aquarian Era. Three principle Aquarian themes are: decentralization, system theory and consciousness. Decentralization is the splintering of unity into multiplicity; systems are seeing the parts within the wholes; consciousness is self-awareness through object-subject dualism. We see decentralization in many different spheres of existence: Politically, economically, socially, religiously, management and art forms. Aquarius is the sign of systematic approach, in which parts are not seen out of the context of wholes. Holistic approach can be best understood by Integral theory. Finally we have the theme of consciousness that will replace the otherworldly mysticism of the Piscean Era that focused on a separate God. Now consciousness is becoming a spectrum of awareness, as awareness ITSELF.

Although it is termed "Aquarian" because of its loose connection to the astronomical alignment of Aquarius, it is more importantly a term that connotes an emphasized pattern and rhythm in life behavior. The Age of Aquarius will see the coming to the fore of the concepts of balance, teamwork and partnership played out on all levels of life. The Aquarian Age is an age meant to reconcile ancient dichotomies, to integrate male and female energies, and to coordinate heart and mind. Wherever polarities exist, we have an opportunity to raise consciousness and find a higher perspective from which to view life-a more balanced position
To be positively feminine, a woman cannot be anti-male, nor can a true man be anti-woman. The time is approaching when these opposites will admire and honor, embrace and enjoy one another, and value their differences. Then will follow an age of peace and harmony and the wise use of creative powers. We turn to feminine strengths and invoke a restoration of balance, wholeness, sensitivity, and the shaping of values.

The traits of excessive masculinity have moved into negative over-expression. Competition without compassion, brute force, power without temperance, war without mercy or nobility, and lack of respect for emotion, nature, and the life of the Earth are all part of the absence of love for the Divine Principle.

How does this relate to the world of Management? Deconstructing traditional concepts of ‘masculine’ managerial qualities is essential to enabling new constructs of leadership to emerge. This will require a fundamental shift in leadership thinking and organizational culture. Wishing all of us great Women’s Day as celebration of Feminine Energy Day. The Next Step- Feminine Energy Leadership Model.

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